Heat Pump not heating or providing hot water in Cold Weather

Cold outdoor temperatures can cause a heat pump to enter a Defrost Cycle, a function controlled exclusively by the heat pump itself and not adjustable by Homely. During a defrost cycle, the heat pump may not have the capacity to provide heating or hot water to the property simultaneously, which can result in a temporary drop in indoor temperature as the defrost process takes priority. The system will return to regular operation once the defrost cycle has been complete. This behaviour is a normal part of heat pump operation, designed to ensure optimal performance in colder conditions.

To check if a heat pump is currently in a Defrost Cycle, you can review the heat pump’s data in Connect. This information is visible on the History Page and can be identified in one of two ways, depending on your level of Connect access.

For all users, the defrost cycle can be observed by enabling the Flow Temperature and Return Temperature options on the graph. If, at any point, the Flow Temperature is equal to or lower than the Return Temperature for a brief period, it is highly likely that the heat pump is undergoing a defrost cycle.

Defrost Cycle Flow and Return

Alternatively, if you have Connect Pro and your heat pump is from one of the supported brands listed below, you can enable the Defrost option on the chart. When this option is selected, any spike from the baseline indicates that the heat pump is running a defrost cycle.

Defrost Cycle Defrost OptionSupported Brands for the Defrost Option:

  • Nordis

  • Riello

  • Midea

  • Daikin

  • LG

  • Clivet

  • Ferroli

  • Worcester Bosch

  • Airwell